“Our Embraer IBD team had an excellent first week in Brazil! After enjoying the beauty of Iguazu Falls, we’ve been well taken care of in São Jose dos Campos by Embraer, our client and the third largest aerospace manufacturer in the world. From a tour of the executive jet assembly floor on day one to numerous daily working sessions with company leaders mapping the existing situation for the company’s innovation work, the company has been deeply engaged in the project. We’ve even met some Embraer Vice Presidents and Directors! It’s a fascinating project, and a critical one for the company’s future ability to innovate and grow in a competitive industry. We’re excited to be working with Embraer, and looking forward to an exciting remaining two weeks, including an interactive multi-day workshop with senior leadership to map the future innovation strategy of the company.” – Team Lead Brian Bell
“We’ve had a great time meeting with our client counterparts. Everyone on the team can agree that this past week and a half has been an incredible learning experience. We have learned so much about working in a foreign business environment, something we could not have achieved without the IBD program and actually being in-country with our clients and their stakeholders.” – Team Lead Fay Yu
Berkeley Haas MBA students Alix Slosberg, Elinor Chang, Lauren Greenwood, Ryan Overcash and Ryan Adams represent one of 16 IBD teams working with IBD clients in-country for three weeks. Alix, Elinor, Lauren, Ryan and Ryan are working with the Seva Foundation and its partner, Palpa Lions Lakaul Eye Hospital in Nepal.
Enjoy more photos from IBD teams working around the world: